More long time no write. There was a little spurt in the New Year when it looked like the PR engine was revving up nicely, a (good) single, Invisible, was released, there were an appearances on TV and radio, even a performance at the Grammys. Then it all went quiet again and we heard the band was working with new producers etc. It all felt very deja vu, how often have we been here before?
So now the questions and answers are:
Is the new album out yet? No.
Is there a date for an album release? No.
Is there any reliable info about the situation? No.
Am I getting sick of all this? Yes.
So now the questions and answers are:
Is the new album out yet? No.
Is there a date for an album release? No.
Is there any reliable info about the situation? No.
Am I getting sick of all this? Yes.